Monday, February 18, 2013

cognitive learning

What are the essential skills and/or learning outcomes you want your students to know and be able to do that relate to cognitive learning? 

Some essential skills that I want my students to learn are how to relate previous material to new material. I want my students to be able to recognize that the material they are learning builds up over time. I also found it very interesting that students are very selective on what material they choose to listen to and store in their memory. This means that it is my job as a teacher to adapt the curriculum to make it relevant to each and every student in my class. Therefore, they can make a connection to the material they are learning and why it is relevant in their own lives to actually put it to memory.

Also I have learned that different students have different cognitive learning skills. Some learn better by watching, touching, doing, or reading. Therefore, whenever I am planning a lesson I need to consider all the different learning styles that each student may or may not have. I need to make sure the lesson touches upon several of the learning styles to appeal more cognitively to each and every student. That way they are more likely to put the information into their memory.

One article I found useful can be found at:

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