Monday, February 25, 2013


Make a list of the sequence of skills necessary for ultimate mastery of the content of your lesson through a constructivist approach.
Which of these learning activities/skills lend themselves to student’s individual or group construction? How might you structure learning activities that lead students to discover these skills/these principles?
 My lesson is a first grade lesson over telling time to the half-hour. In order to master this skill set they need to:
  • Be able to pull from their previous knowledge of learning how to tell time on the hour.
  • Work individually on their own personal clocks to practice making half-hours
  • Work together in groups reviewing and practicing on the hour and half-hours with classmates
  • Be able to build off of this knowledge in the future to construct a deeper understanding of time

Students will first need to practice on their own clocks what half-hour looks like after I have gone over the lesson. This allows them to build their understanding by personally being able to interact with a clockface and build meaning to telling time. Then the students will form groups to work together on telling time. The students will work in groups to figure out different times of clocks given. Then they will partner up and one student will be a minute hand while the other student will be the hour hand. Whenever I say a time the partners must lay on the floor and form that particular time out of their bodies. The group work allows students to be able to reinforce the information they have learned. It also reinforces the skills and concepts not only with themselves but with others as well.

This is a silly but to the point video of constructivist vs. traditional classrooms.



  1. I really like the hands-on emphasis of this lesson and it's activity. This is a great way to incorporate constructivism into your classroom.

  2. I really like this lesson! I would have never thought of such creative, hands on, constructivist ways of teaching time. This showed me that there is probably a way to teach anything with an constructivist approach. Reading about this lesson I think also helped me understand constructivism more thoroughly.
