Monday, February 18, 2013

Memory Process

How might your knowledge of the memory processes guide your instructional decisions? 

It makes sense that students are more likely to remember new information if they can relate it back to old information. Therefore, as a teacher I need to make sure that I connect new information to back to old information as often as I can. It will be important to review concepts that they have already learned before directly jumping into the new material. Reviewing the old information before going over the new can help them not only recall what they already know, but also help them make a direct connection to the new information they are about to process. It is also important that I make the information relevant to them. Students and people in general are more likely to remember information that is directly relevant to their lives or interesting to them. Therefore, I need to assess my classroom dynamics and try to make my lessons relevant to the students in my classroom. Therefore, they are more likely to remember the information better.

Here is a video that shows 7 mental activities to helping improve memory. Some of these can be implemented in a classroom. 

This is a websites that gives some tips for improving memory within a classroom.

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